Keychain scissors – 4 tips for keeping them sharp

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You may not think much about them, but a pair of scissors is the ultimate EDC tool that you need. However, it is very easy to forget them, even when you use them as Keychain scissors – and they end up suffering from neglect, lack of cleaning, and rusting.

When you think about it, scissors are often that tool that you have lying around but always take it for granted. That is, until one day you need it, and you realize that it is now a pale shadow of its former self when you bought it – blunt, and unable to handle your needs properly.

In order to prevent this, you best ways of maintaining your pair. You might notice that this also applies to other pairs of scissors as well – so here are some important tips you can use in their maintenance.

In order to keep the scissors operating smoothly

Make sure to wipe the blades as often as possible after use, but always use a soft, dry rag. Among the major problems that lead to poor functioning of the scissors is dirt and other contaminants becoming trapped in the pivot of the blades, but consistent wiping will get rid of the issue.You need to also ensure the cloth is dry, as you do not want any of the components to start rusting.

keychain accessories

In addition, make sure to oil the pivot occasionally using a penetrating lubricant. This will prevent having sticky scissors to deal with, which hampers your work when you are trying to cut something – just make sure to avoid the area between the blades and the screw head. Note that the oil must be a penetrating lubricant – stay away from vegetable oils, and wipe the pair after you finish oiling them.

What to do when they develop rust

Sometimes, even the best methods of making sure the scissors stay dry can lead to moisture retention and development of rust on the blades. In case this happens, do not become stressed about it; the problem is easy to solve, thanks to white vinegar.

First soak the pair in white vinegar for a few minutes, and then use very fine sandpaper to scrape off any rust you see on the blades and handles. Note that you should be careful, and always avoid the edges that you use to cut objects – otherwise, you will injure yourself. Meanwhile, always make sure the keychain set you attach them to remains dry and clean.

What if the scissors become dirty?

This might be due to the entire keychain packaging, or the trapping of dirt that happens courtesy of everyday situations. The good news is that cleaning them is not much of a hassle.

Wash them in a solution of water and dishwashing liquid, and use lighter cleaning fluid to remove any sticky things on the blades and pivot. After cleaning, dry them thoroughly using a soft cloth, then store them when they are completely dry.

To prevent instances of blunt scissors

Even with all the cleaning and oiling maintenance, sometimes the effects of heavy use can show up in the scissors in the form of blunt blades. There are few things more annoying than whipping out your pair of scissors to cut something, only to find they are completely blunt and ineffective.

In order to prevent this, some scissors makers will recommend taking the pair to a professional who sharpens scissors specifically. This is because taking them to an untrained person risks more harm. However, if you do not know of any, you can opt to ask around (hairdressers usually know the best people to sharpen them), use sharpeners, or cut pieces of sandpaper for a few times to sharpen them temporarily.


Taking care of your pair of scissors is more than just keeping them with the rest of your tools – it involves plenty of care, because it is so easy to forget about them. These tips will likely help you along the way and have you using a pair that is efficient and that you can count on when you need them.


How often should I sharpen my pair of scissors?

This will vary, depending on the type of scissors you have, as well as the frequency of use. However, as a general rule, you should aim to service them at least once a year, regardless of whether they are sharp or not. The more poor they are in quality, the more often you should sharpen them.

How about the oiling process? How often should it be?

Ideally, this should be once a week or once every two weeks. You should always oil at the pivot, and never on the blades.

Why is the choice of sharpener important?

Poor quality sharpeners tend to remove too much metal from the blades, and this reduces their life and effectiveness significantly. On the other hand, you should be fine if you buy a pair of scissors that is of high quality.